Baking Soda: The BEST Natural Face Cleanser

Wait! Stop! Don’t put all those chemicals on your face!

Arm & Hammer Baking Soda

We will show you the simplest and most natural face cleaner.  You probably have a box of this in your kitchen right now.  Arm & Hammer BAKING SODA.  Yes, you do use it for baking.  You can also use it for an all natural – no crazy chemical – face cleaner.  It is gentle on the face, cleans away all oil, dirt and sweat AND it leaves your skin feeling amazing.  Really, try it.

Guys: This is no girly face cleaner that smells like a flower.  It has no smell and will keep all those ugly things that grow on your face (we can’t even say the name) far, far away.

Watch our video on how to give yourself a natural facial:

Here’s How To:

  • You only need Baking Soda, water and a towel
  • Splash warm water on your face
  • Put about 2 tablespoons of baking soda in the palm of one hand.  With your other hand, get it wet under the faucet and drip a couple of drops of water into the baking soda and mix it into a paste.  If you add too much water and it gets all soupy, then just add more baking soda.
  • With the tips of your fingers, scoop up some baking soda paste and spread it around in a circular motion all over your face.  You can start with your forehead, then down your nose and finally across your cheeks and chin.  Do Not Get In Your Eyes! (If you do–rinse your eye with a clean hand/water) and Do Not Get In Your Mouth (it tastes kinda salty).  In general, avoid around your eyes and lips!
  • Leave this on for a minute or two.  It might tingle.  Just relax or you can even be brushing your teeth.
  • Rinse with warm water.  Make sure to get it all off or it will leave a slight film on your face.
  • Can you believe it?  We bet your face has never felt so soft/smooth.  Even better, it is all cleaned.  Really clean!
  • You can do this every morning or evening or you can make it a once-a-week routine.    (We should say….most everyone can use this!  If for any reason your skin reacts–then stop using it!)

Little note: You can also use this as a body scrub in the tub/shower.  You will be amazed by how smooth your skin will be.

Let us know how it works….let your parents in on this little secret.  Their faces can use it too.  With all the stress we can give them – they could use a trip to the spa!

and remember  .    .   .   .LIVE IT UP!

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