What is your FAVORITE game to play on your phone?

Yes…..we all play games on our phones.  Forgot already about Nintendo and DS?  Games you can download to your phone are the best.  Some are free and the others are not very expensive.  You can download them anytime you want and play them just about anywhere (sometimes with the volume off is the only way!).

So we have our favorites.  What about you guys?  What do you think is the best game you can play on your phone?  Go to the tab up above this post (on the bar that says Home, Hi, Do It!, etc)  and go to the right until you get to the button that says CONTESTS & POLLS.  Click on that box and rate what game you think is the best.  If you have another game that you like best—add that in. 

Let the BEST game win the contest!!

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